Barnes Türkiye

Rapid Citizenship and Business Opportunities in Türkiye


Thursday 16 May 2024

Picture Rapid Citizenship and Business Opportunities in Türkiye

One of the most appealing aspects of Türkiye's Citizenship-by-Investment program is the streamlined application process and the ease with which applicants can start doing business in Türkiye. This program offers significant advantages for entrepreneurs and investors looking to expand their reach in a dynamic economy.

Fast-Track Citizenship Application

The Turkish Citizenship-by-Investment program distinguishes itself with a fast and straightforward application process. Importantly, applicants are not required to declare income or assets from other countries, change their tax residency, or move permanently to Türkiye. This accessibility makes it an attractive option for international investors seeking to maintain flexibility in their living and business arrangements.

Business Opportunities in Türkiye

Investors who acquire citizenship by investing $400,000 in Turkish real estate are immediately eligible to start businesses in Türkiye. This opportunity is particularly advantageous for those looking to leverage Türkiye's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, its growing economy, and its trade agreements with the U.S. and the UK.

Historical Context and Impact

Initially launched in July 2016, the Turkish Citizenship-by-Investment program set a high investment threshold of one million dollars, targeting the world's wealthiest. However, the response was lukewarm due to the high entry barrier. Recognizing the need to make the program more accessible, Turkish authorities reduced the investment requirement to $250,000 in 2018, which significantly increased the program's popularity. Today, it ranks among the most sought-after citizenship-by-investment programs globally, as confirmed by official statistics.

Türkiye's Citizenship-by-Investment program offers a unique combination of rapid processing and significant business opportunities, making it an excellent option for investors and entrepreneurs worldwide. By lowering the investment threshold, Türkiye has opened its doors to a broader audience, contributing to the program's success and enhancing the country's appeal as a hub for international business and investment.

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